Download Font Aksara Jawa

Aksara jawa tra

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  • Download Font Aksara Jawa Suku Jawa kalebu suku sing sugih. Diarani sugih jalaran duwe basa, duwe aksara (huruf), duwe tari, duwe wayang, duwe gamelan, duwe budaya, duwe tradisi, duwe klenik lan iseh okeh duwe-duwe liyane sing yen disebutake jalari wong gumun.
  • Aksara JawaRegularAksara JawaAksara Jawa. Please contact us or report DMCA via email:
  • Download font (1.73 MB) The manual and documents included with the font are in Bahasa Indonesia. If you need informations about Javanese script in the Unicode.
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Keyboard Details

This keyboard is designed to type all Javanese characters and stacks directly. You get a Javanese character every time you press a Latin key, without having to use the Alt key or memorizing arbitrary key locations in QWERTY keyboard. This keyboard is based on Benny Lin's Nulisa Aksara Jawa web transliterator program -

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Keyboard IDjawa
Supported PlatformsWindowsmacOSLinuxAndroidiPhone and iPadWebMobile web
AuthorBenny Lin
DocumentationKeyboard help
Keyboard Version2.0
Last Updated2021-05-19 21:09
Package Downloadjawa.kmp
Monthly Downloads70
Total Downloads784
Minimum Keyman Version10.0
Supported Languages

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