Poultry Farm Software

Poultry Manager 2.0. Poultry Manager is a farming app to manage all aspects of poultry farming. It manages expenses, sales, medications, vaccinations as wells as daily feedings and egg collections. It offers flock management with birds in flocks categorized as chicks, hens OR cockerels.

FreePoultry farming software free

Suitable for all poultry breeds

  2. Poultry Farms Commercial Borilar Farmpunjab.

The ZooEasy software is suitable for keeping track of information about breeding for all type of poultry including the chicken, turkey, Guinea fowl, Peacocks and many more. Do you breed poultry without a pedigree? That’s no problem, you can also register all other information about your animals with this program. Anyone can work with ZooEasy: from starting breeders to professional breeders and associations.

Our software is perfect for saving the records of your poultry. Register name, gender, registration number, date of birth, parents and appearance such as color. Keep track of this information and later you can trace bloodlines unlimitedly. Make notes about the appearance and character of each animal, their health and contest results. Also add a picture to complete your records. This completes the basic information that will help you to make responsible breeding choices. You can save data or print it on your personal pedigree.

Lowered inbreed percentage

Prevent inbreeding of your poultry through accurate administration. ZooEasy gives you insight! When entering the details, select the parents. Our software automatically calculates the inbreeding percentage of your animals. The more generations you enter, the more accurate the calculations are. And the lower the inbreeding percentage, the better this is for the health of your poultry.

Poultry farm software free

At ZooEasy we use the calculation method of Wright, supplied by the Wageningen University and Research Center (WUR). In 1921 the American genetic Sewall Wright came with the calculation that shows the likeliness that two individuals are related to each other. Essential when you work on a healthy and strong poultry!

Poultry Farming Software Free

These five tools from the FiBL Shop, are now available for download from the toolbox. Check them out to learn more about free-range laying hens, ways to control endoparasites and induce moulting, as well as how to raise organic broiler chickens.

Here are the five tools are linked and organised according to the tools theme, length, tool type and language:

Poultry farm software programs

Poultry Farm Management Software

  • Laying hens:
    • Free-range laying hens: animal and environment friendly: 11-page leaflet, available in French.
    • Free-range laying hens: 19-page leaflet, available in German.
    • Controlling endoparasites in laying hens: 1-page leaflet, available in French and German.
    • Inducing moulting in organic hens: 3-page leaflet, available in German.
  • Broilers:
    • Fattening chicken in organic farming: 15-page leaflet, available in French and German.

Further information

  • About partner organisation FiBL